Balancing Your Alcohol Consumption and Other Tips

Balancing your alcohol consumption can be a difficult task when binge drinking is such a

normal part of society’s culture. It is easy to fall into the agreement of going out for ‘just one

drink’ and then finding yourself more than one glass deep and waking up with a hangover.

We use alcohol as a way to have fun, a way to reward ourselves and a way to relax. Heavy

usage can result in some serious health issues, but it does not have to be this way if you can

balance your consumption.

The recommended daily intake for men is 1-2 drinks per day and 1 drink a day for a woman.

This intake may be hard to stick to depending on social setting and who you surround

yourself with, but here are some tips to help you stick to this limit.

1. Be open about your consumption boundaries

Talk to the group or person you are spending your time with explaining that you do

not want to go over the limit. Having support from the people you are spending time

with rather than them egging you on for ‘just one more’ is a great step and

opportunity for you to stick to your goals as it removes the underlying want and

pressure to have more by setting a clear boundary.

2. Change your setting

Instead of going to a bar, why not go to a restaurant and enjoy a glass of vino or your

preferred beverage with a meal to limit the craving of wanting to indulge in more than

just one drink?

3. Get active

Reduce the amount of time you spend sitting down while drinking as this can

encourage drinking faster and for longer. Instead opt to play a game of darts or pool,

or once your drink is finished get active and enjoy another activity such as walking

and talking.

4. Finances

Think of the amount of money you'll save on ordering a taxi, buying multiple drinks

and the benefit of waking up without a hangover.

5. Have a plan on getting home safely

If this includes driving home go alcohol free. Being drunk in public spaces such as

public transport can make others feel uncomfortable so ensure you have a solid plan

of getting home safely.

6. Try an alcohol free product

Enjoy a low calorie alcohol alternative drink such as Terps and Co. This is a great

opportunity for you to cut back on your sugar and calorie intake and a great way to

avoid waking up with a hangover.

Drinking in moderation can have better health benefits than heavy drinking, so if you enjoy

drinking you can improve your health by having a better balance with your alcohol


Those who do choose to drink should do so in moderation. Talk with your health care

provider to understand your specific risks and benefits regarding alcohol use.


The Rise and Rise of AF (Alcohol-free) Beverages